Results for 'Marcos A. Raposo'

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    Postmodern Flames in Brazil.Marcos A. Raposo - 2023 - Philosophy Now 154:18-19.
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    Sustained-Paced Finger Tapping: A Novel Approach to Measure Internal Sustained Attention.Marco A. Petilli, Daniela C. Trisolini & Roberta Daini - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Ayotzinapa 43: The Criminal Corruption of the Mexican State.Marco A. Jimenez - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (2):119-122.
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    Aspectos y avances en ciencia, tecnología e innovación.Marco A. Vega - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 33.
    Este trabajo revisa y aplica algunos conceptos y relaciones entre conocimiento, investigación y desarrollo, y posteriormente, entre ciencia, tecnología, innovación y sociedad. Constituye una aproximación general, donde el conocimiento es visto como un proceso integrado que se inicia en el asombro y la curiosidad, se construye a través de la investigación y crece en múltiples disciplinas científicas básicas y aplicadas, que innovan y avanzan hacia el desarrollo y bienestar social, cultural y económico. A la luz de ciertos inventos y descubrimientos, (...)
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    Judith Jarvis Thomson (1929-2020).Marco A. Azevedo - 2020 - Filosofia Unisinos 21 (3).
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    Games with possibly naive present-biased players.Marco A. Haan & Dominic Hauck - 2023 - Theory and Decision 95 (2):173-203.
    We propose a solution concept for games that are played among players with present-biased preferences that are possibly naive about their own, or about their opponent’s future time inconsistency. Our perception-perfect outcome essentially requires each player to take an action consistent with the subgame perfect equilibrium, given her perceptions concerning future types, and under the assumption that other present and future players have the same perceptions. Applications include a common pool problem and Rubinstein bargaining. When players are naive about their (...)
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    Desarrollo y dialéctica de la dependencia en el siglo del imperialismo.Marco A. Gandásequi - 2010 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 15 (49):13-34.
    En 65 años América Latina tuvo dos experiencias de desarrollo capitalista asociado con el centro del sistema mundo capitalista y al neoliberalismo, considerados exitosos hasta la crisis mundial de 2008. Según el FMI, el 40 por ciento de la riqueza financiera latinoamericana se perdió como consecuenc..
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    Convivo communicator: An interface‐adaptive VoIP system for poor quality networks.Marco A. Escobar & Michael L. Best - 2003 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 1 (3):167-180.
    Convivo is a VoIP system designed to provide reliable voice communication for poor quality networks, especially those found in rural areas of the developing world. Convivo introduces an original approach to maintain voice communication interaction in the presence of poor network performance: an Interface‐ Adaptation mechanism that adjusts the user interface to reduce the impact of high latency and low bandwidth networks. Interface modes facilitate turn taking for high latency connections, and help to sustain voice communication even with extremely low (...)
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    Evolution of institutional rules: An immune system perspective: Parallels of lymphocytes and institutional rules.Marco A. Janssen - 2005 - Complexity 11 (1):16-23.
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    La double dimension de la faute en responsabilité médicale.A. Marcos - 2003 - Médecine et Droit 2003 (59):49-53.
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    À propos de la Fonction d'un Exemple Géométrique dans le Troisième Argument de L'Exposition Métaphysique de L'Espace.Marcos A. Thisted - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher (eds.), Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 249-256.
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    Breves considerações sobre a noção de suicídio como ato de responsabilidade ética em países asiáticos.Marcos A. Ferreira & Marcos Antonio da Silva Santos Ferreira - 2021 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 11 (21):36-40.
    Nossa pesquisa tem por intuito lançar considerações acerca da ideia de suicídio como pratica de responsabilidade ética em determinados países asiáticas, nominalmente China e Japão, além disso, tratamos de lançar luz sobre as consequências dessa mentalidade em um mundo que atravessa mudanças de forma constante como nunca vimos antes.
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    Fora do mundo: lugar e sentido da não-humanidade na ontologia fundamental.Marco A. Valentim - 2016 - Discurso 46 (2):287-334.
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  14. Kant's late metaphysics : on "Metaphysics proper" in the "Fortschritte der Metaphysik".Marcos A. Thisted - 2017 - In Andree Hahmann & Bernd Ludwig (eds.), Über die Fortschritte der kritischen Metaphysik: Beiträge zu System und Architektonik der kantischen Philosophie. Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag.
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    A Review of “The Hip Hop Wars: What We Talk About When We Talk About Hip Hop—and Why It Matters”. [REVIEW]Marco A. McWilliams - 2010 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 46 (5):537-539.
    (2010). A Review of “The Hip Hop Wars: What We Talk About When We Talk About Hip Hop—and Why It Matters”. Educational Studies: Vol. 46, Youth, New Media, and Education, pp. 537-539.
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    Le concept d’imagination dans les Rêves d’un Visionnaire.Marcos A. Thisted - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 519-528.
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    Priscianvs minor: Teoría gramatical per figvram Y técnica compositiva.Marco A. Gutiérrez - 2018 - Argos 41:e0004.
    En el presente artículo damos cuenta pormenorizada de los ejemplos per figuram obtenidos a través de un novedoso método de trabajo plasmado en decotgrel. De esta forma hemos podido sistematizar todos los ‘usos especiales’ documentados en el así llamado Priscianus minor. De esta manera hemos podido encontrar consideraciones que van más allá de lo meramente normativo y que tienen un gran interés tanto para el conocimiento de la lengua en cuestión como para el análisis de la evolución de los conceptos (...)
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    Estudios sobre la organización: teoría y práctica.Carrillo Pacheco & A. Marco (eds.) - 2009 - Querétaro, Qro., México: Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro.
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    Judith Jarvis Thomson.Marco A. Azevedo - 2020 - Filosofia Unisinos 21 (3):315-316.
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    José ANADÓN. Historiografía literaria latinoamericana colonial-contemporánea.Marcos A. Figueroa Zúñiga - 2016 - Alpha (Osorno) 43:320-325.
    En este artículo se analiza una recreación quijotesca en la novela de Graham Greene Monseñor Quijote. Para ello se utilizan dos términos procedentes del Derecho romano: los conceptos de autoridad y poder. En esta obra de Greene, la autoridad surge de los libros o de autores de libros, cuya lectura permite que la vida siga teniendo sentido. En Greene encontramos la estrategia de lectura conocida como las sortes virgilianae que permite a los personajes orientarse en las dificultades diarias. Sin embargo, (...)
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    Single crystal flux growths of thermoelectric materials.Raquel A. Ribeiro & Marcos A. Avila - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (19-21):2492-2507.
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    Sobre la crítica foucaultiana al tema trascendental.Marco A. Díaz Marsá - 2010 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 35 (1):45-66.
    We present the foucaultian critique of the transcendental theme. We will try to show, sharpening the layout of the problem, that the specific target of such critique is not so much the transcendental instance as such, present in a sui generis way in Foucault himself, as rather a certain interpretation of this instance, mastered by the “knowledge” scheme and its postulates of natural affinity, constituent subjectivity and transcendental theology. So we will determine, in the first place, the framework and reach (...)
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    Distractor context manipulation in visual search: How expectations modulate proactive control.Marco A. Petilli, Francesco Marini & Roberta Daini - 2020 - Cognition 196 (C):104129.
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    Stability of Risk Preferences During COVID-19: Evidence From Four Measurements.Peilu Zhang & Marco A. Palma - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This article studies the stability of risk-preference during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results differ between risk-preference measurements and also men and women. We use March 13, 2020, when President Trump declared a national state of emergency as a time anchor to define the pre-pandemic and on-pandemic periods. The pre-pandemic experiment was conducted on February 21, 2020. There are three on-pandemic rounds conducted 10 days, 15 days, and 20 days after the COVID-19 emergency declaration. We include four different risk-preference measures. Men (...)
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    Cosas de niños, tan solo eso.Marco A. Arévalo - 2024 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 6 (2):3-18.
    El artículo desenvuelve un esquema del pensamiento de Gadamer con relación a su teoría estética donde confluyen juego y tradición, salpicados aquí y allá de matices y contrastes, principalmente heideggerianos, sin descuidar aportaciones más críticas como las de Adorno. Comienza por un recorrido alrededor del juego. Desde ahí, se adentra en el proceso de transformación, en la construcción, en su sentido, en su necesidad. Prosigue abordando el significado de las obras, si es que alguno transporta. Y termina fundiendo verdad con (...)
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    Can the Recording of Motor Potentials Evoked by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Be Optimized?Marco A. C. Garcia, Victor H. Souza & Claudia D. Vargas - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Signaling strength? An analysis of decision making in The Weakest Link.Marco A. Haan, Bart Los & Yohanes E. Riyanto - 2011 - Theory and Decision 71 (4):519-537.
    We analyze contestants’ behavior in the game show “The Weakest Link”. We focus on banking decisions, where a contestant chooses to secure an amount of money for the eventual winner, or to risk it on a general knowledge question. We find that contestants do not use the banking strategy that maximizes total expected prize money. Average earnings could be at least 17% higher. Our results suggest that contestants are not overconfident, but do try to convince other contestants that their ability (...)
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    Philosophia e phrónêsis sob o olhar de Epicuro.Marcos Zmijewski - 2024 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 16 (46).
    Este artigo se ocupa com a relação e interconexão entre philosophia e phrónêsis na doutrina de Epicuro. O estudo tem como objetivo, primeiro, evidenciar o significado e a função que cada uma das sabedorias assume no pensamento epicureu e, segundo, inserir-se e contribuir com o debate científico acerca de uma suposta hierarquia existente entre elas, conforme afirmação feita pelo filósofo na Carta a Meneceu. Argumentamos em favor da hierarquia (da primazia da phrónêsis) e apresentamos algumas razões que sustentam essa interpretação.
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  29. Ser en el tiempo : desde el claro del ser.Marco A. Arévalo - 2017 - In Teresa Oñate & Teresa Oñate Y. Zubía (eds.), Hermenéuticas del cuidado de sí: cuerpo alma mente mundo. Madrid: Editorial Dykinson.
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  30. Metafísica, lógica e outras coisas mais.Luiz Carlos Pereira, Marco A. Zingano & Lia Levy (eds.) - 2011 - Rio de Janeiro: Nau Editora.
    Livro em homenagem ao filósofo brasileiro Luiz Henrique Lopes, um dos maiores expoentes da filosofia analítica. Neste livro grandes nomes da filosofia brasileira discorrem sobre a filosofia analítica e vários assuntos da filosofia contemporânea.
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    Philosophy of Science and Philosophy: The Long Flight Home.Alfredo Marcos - 2021 - Axiomathes 31 (6):695-702.
    In this article, I argue that there is philosophy of science since philosophy existed. Thus, the idea that the philosophy of science was born with neopositivism is historically wrong and detrimental to the development of the philosophy of science itself. Neopositivism tried to found the philosophy of science as an anti-philosophical discipline, as a field of study that came to replace simple philosophy. The attempt was maintained for thirty years, but failed. Now, this does not mean that we cannot make (...)
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    Nearly every normal modal logic is paranormal.Joao Marcos - 2005 - Logique Et Analyse 48 (189-192):279-300.
    An overcomplete logic is a logic that ‘ceases to make the difference’: According to such a logic, all inferences hold independently of the nature of the statements involved. A negation-inconsistent logic is a logic having at least one model that satisfies both some statement and its negation. A negation-incomplete logic has at least one model according to which neither some statement nor its negation are satisfied. Paraconsistent logics are negation-inconsistent yet non-overcomplete; paracomplete logics are negation-incomplete yet non-overcomplete. A paranormal logic (...)
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    Verdade, Conhecimento e Ação. Ensaios em Homenagem a Guido Antônio de Almeida e Raul Landim Filho.Edgar Marques, Ethel Rocha, Marcos A. Gleizer, Lia Levy & Ulysses Pinheiro (eds.) - 1999 - São Paulo: Edições Loyola.
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    Postmodern Aristotle.Alfredo Marcos - 2012 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The modern world was in part born as a reaction against Aristotelianism. However, the image of Aristotle to which modern philosophers reacted was partial, to say the least. Paradoxical though it may seem, today, more than twenty-three centuries on, we may now be in the most advantageous position for understanding the Stagirite's philosophy and applying it to contemporary problems. The present book contributes to the forming of an idea of Post-modern reason inspired by a constellation of Aristotelian concepts, such as (...)
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  35. Estudios evolucionistas en las Islas Canarias en el contexto de la expansión colonial alemana en África.Marcos Sarmiento Pérez - 2016 - In Nicolás Cuvi, Elisa Sevilla, Rosaura Ruiz Gutiérrez & Miguel Angel Puig-Samper (eds.), Evolucionismo en América y Europa: antropología, biología, política y educación. [Quito, Ecuador]: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE).
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    ... Curso colectivo de filosofía del derecho dictado en la Facultad de derecho de Buenos Aires, en mayo y junio de 1942.Ramón Marcos Alsina (ed.) - 1943 - Buenos Aires,: Imprenta de la Universidad.
    Introducción a la problemática jurídica actual, por R. M. Alsina.--La filosofía de la cultura, por Francisco Romero.--El sentido del derecho para la vida humana, por Juan Llambías de Azevedo.--El derecho como objeto y la ciencia del derecho, por E. R. Aftalión.--Las especies del saber jurídico (consideraciones de epistemología) por Manuel Río.--Posición cultural de las orientaciones políticas, por M. T. Ruiz Moreno.
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    Belleza, república y sociabilidad: a propósito de las cartas sobre la educación estética de la humanidad de F. Schiller.Marcos Aguirre Silva - 2022 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 79:11-23.
    Resumen:El artículo propone una lectura de las Cartas para la educación estética de la humanidad desde la sociabilidad, concepto con el que el autor, en la última de las cartas, señala el terreno en el que se abriría la vía estética hacia libertad. Se muestra la propagación del concepto de sociabilidad a través de la antropología kantiana y la sociología simmeliana. Se postula la afinidad de este enfoque con los planteamienos contemporáneos del acontecimiento.Palabras clave: Schiller; Kant; Simmel; sociabilidad; políticas emancipatorias; (...)
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  38. Computational models of collective behavior.Robert L. Goldstone & Marco A. Janssen - 2005 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9 (9):424-430.
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    Identitätsbildung: Spiritualität der Wahrnehmung und die Krise der Moderne.Guido Meyer, Marco A. Sorace, Clara Vasseur & Johannes Bündgens (eds.) - 2018 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber, in der Verlag Herder.
    Identitat ist unter den Bedingungen der Postmoderne kein festes Ganzes mehr. Die unuberschaubare Anzahl an Moglichkeiten in Ausbildung, Studium, Beruf, aber auch Partnerschaft und Lebensformen fuhren zu der Einsicht, dass Identitat sich immer neu konstituieren muss. Tatsachlich ist Identitat das, was mich als unverwechselbares Ich korperlich und geistig - und das heisst: leiblich - konstituiert. Zugleich entzieht sie sich mir und muss immer wieder neu errungen werden. Dies gilt gerade dann, wenn fruhere Ideale zusammenbrechen oder das zuvor Selbstverstandliche nicht mehr (...)
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    The Impact of Emissions Reduction Awareness on Moral Self-Concept: Sustaining Climate-Friendly Behaviour in the Aftermath of the Covid-19 Pandemic.Aitor Marcos, Patrick Hartmann & Jose M. Barrutia - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (3):337-370.
    Communication campaigns often highlight environmental progress to encourage further pro-environmental behaviour. Consequently, the drop in carbon emissions caused by the COVID-19 restrictions has been framed as a positive environmental outcome of the pandemic. We conducted an experimental study with a US-representative sample (N = 500) to show that raising awareness of emissions reduction has the contrary effect: an increase in moral self-concept facilitated a negative spillover, namely, it reduced climate-friendly behavioural intentions. Normative influence was able to prevent this negative spillover (...)
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    How to Frame Understanding in Mathematics: A Case Study Using Extremal Proofs.Merlin Carl, Marcos Cramer, Bernhard Fisseni, Deniz Sarikaya & Bernhard Schröder - 2021 - Axiomathes 31 (5):649-676.
    The frame concept from linguistics, cognitive science and artificial intelligence is a theoretical tool to model how explicitly given information is combined with expectations deriving from background knowledge. In this paper, we show how the frame concept can be fruitfully applied to analyze the notion of mathematical understanding. Our analysis additionally integrates insights from the hermeneutic tradition of philosophy as well as Schmid’s ideal genetic model of narrative constitution. We illustrate the practical applicability of our theoretical analysis through a case (...)
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    Perceptions of STS Topics Among Uruguayan College Students: Implications for Secondary School Curricular Reform.Marcos Sarasola, Rosina Pérez Aguirre & Wilson J. González-Espada - 2017 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 37 (1):15-22.
    The purpose of this descriptive and exploratory study was to measure the perceptions regarding a variety of science, technology, and society (STS) topics among a sample of Uruguay underclassmen college students. These perceptions were compared with the viewpoints of a group of professional scientists. It was found that, for some STS topics, such as the role of humans in global climate change, the perceptions of Uruguay underclassmen and scientists were statistically identical. For topics, such as the problem of human overpopulation, (...)
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    The Oxford handbook of empirical aesthetics.Marcos Vartanian Nadal & Oshin Vartanian (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Humans have engaged in artistic and aesthetic activities since the appearance of our species. Our ancestors have decorated their bodies, tools, and utensils for over 100,000 years. The expression of meaning using color, line, sound, rhythm, or movement, among other means, constitutes a fundamental aspect of our species' biological and cultural heritage. Art and aesthetics, therefore, contribute to our species identity and distinguish it from its living and extinct relatives. Science is faced with the challenge of explaining the natural foundations (...)
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    Cave 2.0. The dualistic roots of transhumanism.Alfredo Marcos & Moisés Pérez Marcos - 2019 - Scientia et Fides 7 (2):23-40.
    El transhumanismo es una moda intelectual que propone la transformación de los seres humanos mediante diversas tecnologías. Expondremos brevemente los rasgos más conspicuos del TH, así como las principales críticas que se le han hecho. Pero la intención de este artículo no es entrar en esta polémica; aportaremos tan solo las claves imprescindibles para poder seguir adelante. Y una de las claves más intrigantes del TH es que, por debajo de su pátina tecno-futurista, remite a ciertas ideas filosóficas tan viejas (...)
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    What is a logical theory? On theories containing assertions and denials.Carolina Blasio, Carlos Caleiro & João Marcos - 2019 - Synthese 198 (S22):5481-5504.
    The standard notion of formal theory, in logic, is in general biased exclusively towards assertion: it commonly refers only to collections of assertions that any agent who accepts the generating axioms of the theory should also be committed to accept. In reviewing the main abstract approaches to the study of logical consequence, we point out why this notion of theory is unsatisfactory at multiple levels, and introduce a novel notion of theory that attacks the shortcomings of the received notion by (...)
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    The Politics of Educating Latino Children.Ruben P. Viramontez Anguiano, Jessica Theis & Marco A. Chávez - 2004 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 24 (1-2):33-40.
    The purpose of this paper is to illustrate and highlight the continued suffrage of Latino families as they have struggled to provide their children with an equal education. Through providing an overview of court cases that have directly impacted the interface between Latino families and the American educationaI system, the paper provides the reader with a historical, social and cultural understanding of the politics of educating Latino children. Moreover, this backdrop provides asound foundation for illustrating the educational and family research (...)
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    CREB, neurogenesis and depression.Peter Gass & Marco A. Riva - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (10):957-961.
    The transcription factor CREB has been implicated in signalling pathways relevant for pathogenesis and therapy of depression. CREB is upregulated and activated in the hippocampus by chronic antidepressant treatment, similarly as neurogenesis. Surprisingly, a recent study using CREB‐deficient mice also demonstrates an upregulation of neurogenesis correlating with an antidepressant behavioral phenotype.1 Interestingly, CREB‐deficient mice show a rapid behavioral response to antidepressants, while wild‐type mice do not. This minireview tries to reconcile these new findings with established concepts on CREB, neurogenesis and (...)
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    Callejones sin salida: dos reconstrucciones de la respuesta al círculo cartesiano.José Marcos de Teresa - 2012 - Signos Filosóficos 14 (27):43-70.
    En este artículo explico el problema de la circularidad, tradicionalmente achacado a la metafísica cartesiana, destacando la importancia que, según Descartes, reviste esta cuestión. Argumento que las versiones del cartesianismo que ofrecen algunos de los comentarios más populares, utilizados en lengua castellana (los de Margaret Wilson y John Cottingham), resultan incompatibles con las posiciones que Descartes mantiene en una serie de textos. Teorías de ese corte sólo podrían justificarse por su valor filosófico intrínseco, pero también sostengo que ambas reconstrucciones presentan (...)
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    La evolución de la relación yo-circunstancia en la obra de Ortega y Gasset.Marcos Alonso - 2020 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 80:93-107.
    El presente artículo trata de exponer la fundamental tesis de Ortega “Yo soy yo y mi circunstancia, y si no la salvo a ella no me salvo yo”, mostrando sus distintas modulaciones a lo largo de su obra y su muchas veces desconocida evolución. De este modo, se hará patente la riqueza de la potente propuesta metafísica orteguiana, al tiempo que se gana claridad sobre la evolución biográfica de una de las figuras políticas españolas clave del siglo pasado.
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    Las relaciones entre teoría y práctica en la obra de Ortega y su conexión con la filosofía de la técnica orteguiana.Marcos Alonso - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico:341-363.
    El presente artículo realiza un recorrido a las complejas y cambiantes concepciones de Ortega y Gasset sobre teoría y práctica. Tras unos primeros años en los que la teoría aparece en una posición preponderante respecto de la práctica, en un segundo momento, a partir de la madurez orteguiana de los años 30 —y en especial después de su detenido tratamiento del problema de la técnica— la dimensión práctica pasará a ocupar este primer lugar. Defenderemos que la propuesta de Ortega de (...)
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